Announcing the 2024 Coaching Cohort Program for Women in the Energy Industry 

Lean In Network | Energy is bringing to you a 2024 career-oriented program designed to empower women in their energy career ambitions.

We are partnering with Work On Your Terms to provide you a 6-week, 6-module program designed to help female professional develop and thrive in their careers. The program aims to increase employee engagement, resilience, and job satisfaction. Although the ideal audience is mid-level female leaders with 5+ years of work experience, we have seen more senior leaders find value in this program.



Green: Participants will complete modules on their own (watching short videos /listening to a podcast / reading a transcript, dependent on their preferred learning style) and complete introspection and planning activities in a workbook. Participants should plan on allocating 1-2 hours per module.

Gold: After each cycle, the participants will engage in a group coaching session with the two founders of Work On Your Terms who have 30+ years of combined experience in the energy industry. 

2024 Coaching Cohort Schedule



Attendees participate in the program get to choose their own preferred learner’s style; either by watching a video, listening to a podcast or by reading the transcripts.

  • It is a customized program that allows each participant to craft their own unique approach towards working on their terms.

  • Participants get a personal coaching experience through group coaching and direct access to the coaches. 

  • It is designed and facilitated by two female leaders that have had illustrious careers in the energy industry. 

  • The program exposes the reality of working in big organizations and how to navigate complex internal structures. 

  • It builds a strong community that can encourage and support each other.

  • Participants have access to the program as long as the program is live.

The program has also been tried and tested globally, including in our 2023 cohort. 



To learn more about this coaching program, watch program developers, Annemarie and Tessa discuss the program in detail here. You may also reach out to our Executive Director, Sheana Hamill, for more information:



After taking this program, participants will have:

  • Clarity on their talents and in which context they flourish.

  • Clarity on what they want to move towards and why.

  • A deeper understanding of themselves and why they act the way they do

  • Created key habits to ground all the inner work that they have completed

  • Understanding why some conversations work, and others don’t and how to navigate them. 

  • Gained the skill of using a constellation to map out their current ecosystem.