In her own words: Sadaf Shah
Sadaf is a Drilling & Completions Engineer with United Energy Pakistan Ltd., headquartered in Karachi. She is Team Lead – Drilling, responsible or planning and execution of drilling wells, contracts and inventory management. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering from Mehran University, Jamshoro, Pakistan. She has worked in the energy industry for nearly a decade, and has been part of Lean In Energy I Network (LINE) since 2020. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering, poetry, reading and practicing medication.
What is a challenge you have faced in the industry that may have been related to gender bias?
Like every other woman, I have been through ups and downs in my career, and faced challenges and had to work more than my peers at times. However, this is something every working woman can relate to – that we need to work twice as hard to prove ourselves in any profession. The most challenging part is when one is deprived of equal opportunities on the basis of a stereotype because that field has a smaller number of women.
What is your view of the role of mentors?
I believe mentoring is an ongoing process and we need a mentor on all levels of our careers.
Tell us your mentoring experiences.
I have been part of LINE’s Small Group Mentoring Program twice. Through LINE, I have been fortunate enough to be mentored by Sredharan Nair (2020) and Nur Baizurin Zulkanain (2021). I have also been part of SPE’s e-Mentoring Program and had two mentors: Ibrahim Nurudeen (2018) and Mohammed Ahtesham (2019). Two managers at my company have also served as mentors to me in my workplace.
What are two things you would tell other women in the energy field as they look to advance their careers?
Build resilience as there is a long way to go, work on your goals and plan to achieve them one by one.
The industry still has less representation of women leaders especially in technical roles. This gap can be bridged by choosing the right career path and being true to ourselves.
What are your career ambitions?
I want to see myself as a leader in the oil and gas industry, particularly in drilling engineering. I want to make a difference. I feel a strong sense responsibility to give back to the industry from which I have learned so much.
What inspired you to join LINE?
I read Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead in 2019 while searching for resources on women’s empowerment. About the same time, I was introduced to LINE. In addition to participating as a mentee and later as a mentor, I volunteer as a Community Lead for LINE helping to create awareness in STEM fields in Pakistan.