Operating costs are covered 100% by Private and Corporate Donors

Lean In Energy’s mission is to empower women in energy and those interested in energy to achieve their ambitions through mentoring, community, public awareness, and education.  We envision a future where everyone has equal opportunity to contribute and lead.  Your donation will help build leaders worth following.  Lean in Energy relies on the generosity of our donors for 100% of our funding.  Fundraising is a major activity of the nonprofit and all donations go toward developing programs.


Lean In Energy Partner Companies


Partner with Lean In Energy

  • Support a nonprofit impacting the lives of energy professionals across the globe

  • Roll out a Lean In Energy mentoring program within your organization

  • Access mentor and mentee training for members to increase skills

  • Enable networking through mentoring between like-minded professionals within and outside your organization

  • Access to a company specific portal where your employees can communicate, share and gain insight from Lean In Energy

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